Truth be told

My photo
For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back to School

Despite what my group-mates or other groups had been saying. I honestly enjoy going back to school, this time not as a student but as a teacher (well not really a teacher but teacher-in-the-making to be exact).

Assalamualaikum Cikgu…

That was like the proudest thing for me to listen to.

I did feel a little bit guilty toward my other group-mates because I am the one who really wanted and insisted on coming to this school. Its an all girls school, an elite cluster school, in short it was one hell of a good school.

The reason I kinda like insisted on coming were that, yeah I too wanna feel being in a good school. I had spent almost all of my school-years going to 'bad' school or I too wanna feel being in a single sex school.

I was very excited! Hello school!

This was my first time sitting among the other experienced teachers in the assembly, I sat on the second front row while nervously pretending that I am too a teacher there. You just don't know how I it felt when we received a very warm welcome from the school with a loud round of applause.

Yeah! I did get teased by the teachers and even the principal for being a young(hunky) male teacher in a sea of girls there!

Sitting on the stage observing the students from up there, it very much reminded me of myself few years back in school. I said to myself

Hei! I used to speak like they did while the teachers were giving their speeches up front. Did the teachers used looked at me the same way I looked at these students( from up there I can see every students-speaking,playing and ebven those who yawned)

Funny how I had forgotten how fun school was for me, or how bored and happy it used to feel being at school few years back. I love schools.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The best thing about holiday was that, it was the perfect time for everyone to get together. Well, since I am now officially living in the HOTTEST state in Malaysia (as stated in the news), we had to lepak-lepak during the night ONLY. Yeah it was 30 degree something out there! The heat could burn you to death, its hell out there!

It’s good that we had the chance to get together again, I don’t really have lot of chance hanging out with them, even if I had the time, they didn’t. Everyone’s busy with their own life, the last time we get to hang out like this was way back last year at Milo’s house—if I am not mistaken.

I’d known Milo for more than 10 years now; she is currently studying in Selangor— striving to become a nurse. Funny knowing it, after all she’s not the girly type of girl.

I went out as early as 8 to her house, only to know that the boys will only be there around 9. I don't know what the heck am I rushing for? So I suggested we went to The Store first, instead of just pointlessly waiting there at her house. After all, I am in desperate need to find myself new CDs. I know that I could have only downloaded the thing online, but I am bad with technologies—really bad!

I bought a self-titled album from The Script, it’s an old album and I never really like them though they had been in the industry for quite a while. After listening to some of their songs, well they were quite nice actually, I am a fan! Then we went down and Milo treated me a sundae cone and damn I heart sundae!

Around 8.45 we went to the Kedai Char Koew Teow to meet the boys. It took about an hour for them to arrive, but time went by unnoticed as Milo and I had gazillions of thing to talk about.

from left Ikram, Li, me, Amzar and Arif

The thing about that night was that there were fireworks in the sky, dunno where they from but they were surely gorgeous—been a while since I last enjoyed fireworks that close, what a happy day! It’s sad that Din and Fifi couldn’t make it that night, it would had been even gempak if they were.

Milo and Ikram

Ikram and Jazli, love thier konon-konon indie-styled hair

The next day, Milo and I went all the way to Padang Besar as she needed to buy her friend a teddy bear. It’s cheap over there but the quality was really awful, I really don’t suggest anyone buying things there.

Of course we took our time sightseeing around Perlis before heading home. Perlis is a small state, very small. It took us only a while to go to Kangar. We went to kill some time—what we did was simply sitting around chit chatting while having air kelapa and rojak. There’s not much of a thing that you can do in Perlis, we barely had a shopping complex, Cinema? Bowling center? Don’t mention about it. Enough say, the people there enjoy a simple traditional and conservative life. Which I am used to and looking forward to end it soon hahaha!

the pic was awful since there was no one to snap it for us, but the view is nice though

Gosh I love holiday! More please!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i just wanna be...

At the age of almost 20, he finally figured out what he wanted to do with his life. All the while he had been blessed with fortunate lucks—good fortune and lady luck was always by his side. Yet, of course things happened every now and then but those were minor things that he’ll end up forgetting the next day. Everything had been going so well lately, he couldn’t be more glad than he already was.

At the age of almost 20, he finally figured out what he wanted to do with his life—he just wanna be…happy.

So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause i'm just trying to be happy
Just wanna be happy

by Leona Lewis

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Choice

Aku tengok Kris jap td….ensemmmmmmm!

Huh? Kat mana? And don’t tell me yg ko tngk kat dalam cermin (cause he thinks he looks Kris Allen)

Midvalley la…haha…


Yeaps2… tengok dari jauh je tp sumpah hensem!

Kuno giler aku… dia datang Malaysia pon aku xtao!

Wish I could be there…

Yaaaah... That would’ve been funnn… haha…

Haha… what to do… Ur choice oh…

AJ! Don’t say that! Ko wat mcm aku made a wrong choice

Haha… Memang! U should’ve have been here! Tapi tapi tapi tapi Ko da jauh… huhu…

I missed the life I once had… the choice I made…it’s my choice...