Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Piece of My Mind

Last night I told my roommate that I am very happy with all of my classmates. When I first came into the class, I describe myself as being ‘STUCKED’ with this bunch of crazy people. After spending almost three semesters with them, I can now replace the word ‘STUCKED’ with ‘TOGETHER’. We had our differences, we our differences and we had faced our differences. Being with this 24 people from different backgrounds and different world, at times I can’t help but to laugh at each and every single one of them for having this too many personalities.

Today, our class organized a birthday party. I was just SO EXCITED about this party, I even bought a microphone and poppers just to make sure that this party went as planned. UNFORTURENATELY, things didn’t go as I’d panned it would be. It went superbly.

Lots of impromptu events that happened, candid moments to remember and most importantly stomach full of cakes and KFC, lastly bunch of ROCKSTAR WANNABES that think they can sing.

As claimed by my classmate Iylia, “good food+great music+nice moves+happy faces+laughing out loud+screaming your lungs out = one happy family…”

At the end of the party, we stayed for a bit longer and turn the party into despair…sang our heart out with miserably depressed songs…emo moment there! But those are just the IRONY of us!

Turning all those emo songs into fun and joyful song…just one of my many talents…hahaha

Hope we can keep this up till we are TOGETHER in… you know where…


Adlyn Farouk said...


sankun said...

yup2...agreed wif ya!!
love this tesl 4 class!!!

Miss SITI. said...

weee....we r crazy....
but the word "crazy" unites us all...
we're totally different from others...
that's the most important thing..hehehe

Adlyn Farouk said...
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