Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sometimes After

I thought the play was my memorable experience and my special moment to treasure but… turn out it was after the play… one sweet moment

A glimpse of happiness was on everyone’s face, now that the play was over, it lifted a big burden off everyone’s shoulder. Everyone worked their butt off for the staging of the play, months of preparation and practice, finally we did it. When everything went as expected, we can’t help but to celebrate it with smiles on our face.
Dressed up in my Lorenzo costume, I walked to the piano, I sat by Hayat who was playing the piano, serenading everyone there including myself. It was a quaint piano who knows how old it was or how long it had been there, but it worked well despite ages existed.

I sat beside her as quietly as I can, not a single word was uttered, not by neither of us. She was too engrossed in playing the piano, I could see her face enlightened in a different way every time she touched the piano. Hayat is different than the other pianist I’d known, she didn’t know how to read notes, but she listened well, well enough until she was able to play the piano only by listening.

I sat there, serenaded by her. Looking aimlessly, I was—no, everyone was tired including me. I was exhausted and my mind went completely blank after that. All that I could listen to was this sensational sound of piano in front of me. The soothing sounds wipe out the exhausted look on my face and it cleared out my mind.

Sometime after that, consciousness came in a small light flashes: that was when I realized she had stopped playing. I look at her, she smiled and I smiled back at her. That was when Intan who was just finished changing from her costumes to t-shirt came and sat beside both of us. I could see that, she too was impressed with Hayat.

Yat…play some familiar song for me…

A song that I would least expect anyone to play for me, one song that I had been addicted to for months and I knew she knew I like the song, I didn’t knew she could play the song though. It was Please Don’t Stop the Rain by James Morrison. Everyone who knew me well knew how much I am crazy for James Morrison. For some it might be just another ordinary song that you listened to over and over again. You may think it was just another song that you got addicted to and then you get crazy over it and for sometime later you forget about it. No… not for me and a lot of thing happened these past few days and this moment, It was like…MAGIC…the mood, the sound, everything was just perfect, perfect enough for me to cherish… I don’t know how to explain but I just know I like it.

Thanks Hayat.


iylia said...

she is special in her way. me too were mesmerized by her..=)

Hayat Yahya (naNo) said...

is this credited for me?thx sharil..
i never know my piano was appreciated by others..i mean was that good..

Anonymous said...

oit gotcha sharil..