Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sense and Sensibelonglity

There was somewhere in this week, me and Ain, we were in the lab supposedly doing research on literature, symbolism and stuff. Like many others, we didn’t. All the while, what we did was talk about clothes, fashion, how to dress up preppy-ly and bla bla bla we chatted. Yeah! We boys do talk about fashion; it’s the necessity of life —even for Ain!

Browsing through fashion sites, looking at clothes and commenting on each and everything that catches our eyes! It was fun. Yet soon we realize how different we were in most of the ways. He likes to dress-up looking all preppy while I’ll go for bold choices and daring colours. Looking at the models, we would fight over which style looked better. It is ridiculous now to think ‘bout it, of course I would be arguing on his hippy, old-skool style and he would brutally criticize my style. Still, he would purposely let me win, I always did! (Evil grin)

Who cares if you have dull personality or crappy attitude (NO! It does not refer to me), but at the very least please do have a good sense of style, your own sense of style (even if it is a crappy shitty looking style). It is yours and learns to embrace people’s comments.


Miss SITI. said...

hah...b'kurun aku tgu ko update!!!!

iylia said...

...setelah sekian lame ko last...

Sharil said...

tada sharil da muncul!

selipar biru said...

aada sharil kembali!

Adlyn Farouk said...

OMG ini ke keje kau. Let's be lovers, my darling Sharil. :p