Truth be told

My photo
For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Friday, January 29, 2010

There Has Been Death In The Opposite Room

I noticed people had been coming in and out of that room. People had been filling in that room since morning. I wonder why.

The room is in the other building across my room. Every day I stared at that room throughout my window, it was always empty. Whoever lived in it was rarely there I guess.
This morning there was an announcement in the hostel, saying something about one of our student had passed away. It didn’t hit me much, not until I discovered he lived just across my room. The room that was always empty as “he lived alone” they said.

That night, friends and classmate were lending their hands cleaning his room. I watched through my windows. Contemplating alone on what a lousy neighbor I had been this whole 2 years, I’d been here for freaking 2 years and yet I never noticed who and what was in that room—or the other rooms across my mine. Around eleven, a friend of him closed the windows, one by one, with the others waiting outside of his room.

It was a windy night and the moon shines bright, it was a gloomy night and some were sad. I watched a friend turned off the light, he closed the door, with prayers he walked away.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dream

In my dream, I saw a boy years from now. By the way he looks, he has everything he could ever wish for, a perfect life, good friends, a comfy place to live, a person to share his life with and most importantly his dream job. He didn’t make much out of his job but just barely enough to fulfill his needs—clothes, foods and social tickets. He makes a living from arts, like music, fashion, photography or creative designs. It has always been his lifelong ambition to someday become one of those who creates arts piece of arts that everyone appreciates. Finally he is able fulfill his dreams and ambition, he never be more contended.

I dream of him a lot.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Poker and The Joker Face

I couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t know why, maybe it’s due to the fact that I slept half a day yesterday. Despite turning to bed early that was somewhere around 12.30, I can’t seem to fell asleep at all. Usually I find it easy for me to sleep but not today. I close my eyes still couldn’t fell asleep. It is frustrating knowing that tomorrow you have classes from 8am to 5pm and you aren’t able to have a proper rest.

Soon, I found myself, rolling back and forth on the bed, with eyes wide open and full of frustration. I am the type of person that had to have my beauty sleep and I found myself feeling depressed whenever I didn’t have some. While staring aimlessly to the ceiling, the clock struck 1.30am and I am still awake. Then, Rick and Mirul walked into the room, they were merrily chit-chatting till 2.30am. FOR GOD SAKE people, someone was trying to get his freaking sleep here!

I was too fed up to even stay in the room anymore, I texted Ain to see whether he’s still awake or not and as expected, the night was still young for him. I went down to his room…well it’s the only place I can (at the very least) entertained myself. This was not the first time I been there in the middle of the night, I always went there simply talking nonsense and committing more sins (we were never tired of badmouthing others).

Azril and Zac were also there. Zac was playing PES and Azril was absolutely clueless, by the way he looked, I know he was damn sleepy at that time. I got in and Ain was listening to his tacky songs and karaoke-ing along the songs…it was a nightmare! Not to bother him I turned to Azril as he was so excited to show me something. You may not know this, but the boys are actually far that what they usually portray, acting up all macho and hunky…they are way different!

Azril showed me a stupid magic trick, YEAH! A lame magic that doesn’t even deserve to be called magic. To make it worse, he had to at least repeated the trick twice to make it right. I laugh my heart out seeing him dreadfully trying to figure out what went wrong with the trick! OH yeah, I did requested for more tricks, it was AWESOMELY fun (I just need to have more).

After that, they clumsily kept making my sleepless night more pleasant. After a while, they all dozed off leaving me alone trying to convince them to stay awake and keeping me company. After a while, I found myself sleeping there till I don’t know what time and crawled back to my room.

That morning, I woke up late, with swollen eyes and looking all messed up! Lessons learnt… don’t fuck-up your sleeping schedule…

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sense and Sensibelonglity

There was somewhere in this week, me and Ain, we were in the lab supposedly doing research on literature, symbolism and stuff. Like many others, we didn’t. All the while, what we did was talk about clothes, fashion, how to dress up preppy-ly and bla bla bla we chatted. Yeah! We boys do talk about fashion; it’s the necessity of life —even for Ain!

Browsing through fashion sites, looking at clothes and commenting on each and everything that catches our eyes! It was fun. Yet soon we realize how different we were in most of the ways. He likes to dress-up looking all preppy while I’ll go for bold choices and daring colours. Looking at the models, we would fight over which style looked better. It is ridiculous now to think ‘bout it, of course I would be arguing on his hippy, old-skool style and he would brutally criticize my style. Still, he would purposely let me win, I always did! (Evil grin)

Who cares if you have dull personality or crappy attitude (NO! It does not refer to me), but at the very least please do have a good sense of style, your own sense of style (even if it is a crappy shitty looking style). It is yours and learns to embrace people’s comments.