Truth be told

My photo
For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dream

In my dream, I saw a boy years from now. By the way he looks, he has everything he could ever wish for, a perfect life, good friends, a comfy place to live, a person to share his life with and most importantly his dream job. He didn’t make much out of his job but just barely enough to fulfill his needs—clothes, foods and social tickets. He makes a living from arts, like music, fashion, photography or creative designs. It has always been his lifelong ambition to someday become one of those who creates arts piece of arts that everyone appreciates. Finally he is able fulfill his dreams and ambition, he never be more contended.

I dream of him a lot.

1 comment:

Adlyn Farouk said...

yay another the script fan! if they do concert here, i'm bringing u along. in fact, i'm gonna appoint u as my official concert buddy!