Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Monday, August 31, 2009

2# Bon Voyage

Keeping a distance relationship was hard for anyone…everyone… when you are angry, sad or happy, you can’t express the feeling through emotion… emotion that you hope they would feel, they would see, they would understand …there’s a clear boundaries between the two of you. Not being able to see face to face, texting or phone were the only way to keep in touch. BUT! What happened when it all stop… when u aren’t able to do so anymore…What will happen if you can’t text, call, mail or even speak to your love one?

How would you feel, painful perhaps?

She never really talked about him… what else even mentioned a bit about him. It was a secret that she kept from everybody else… when asked about him, she never did say no or deny it, she just avoided those kinds of questions. People around her knew the existence of him in her life, but they pretended like they didn’t know it. Well it’s not because people didn’t expect her to have a special someone but rather, it was because people just don’t want to interfere with her life… that’s all.

Both of them were still studying. Being apart was not that hard, like any couple they handled it well. They phoned, texted and always kept in touch. Like most couple too…

They had their own secret…

A secret that both of them kept for so long from each other.

She was going away, to pursue her study…in UK for three years, meaning that she will be separated from him for three years. That’s why he never knew about her going away. She told everyone that she wanted to make it a surprise to him… in actual fact; she didn’t want him to know about it, at all. She didn’t want him to know that they will have to be separated for three years. It was just painful to think about it, being away…anything can happen…

He was also going somewhere but for only a year he was happy about it. After a year of sailing, he would be a full sailor, with promising salary and good life. He knew he was going away from the first day he stepped hi feet into this Marine Academy, but he never told her about it. Who knows why… afraid of being separated too… maybe?

For a year they kept this secret, finally he told her…about him leaving soon, to sail on a ship for a year. No it’s not next year that he is going away! No it’s not next 6 month, it is somewhere around this coming weeks. She took it hard, very hard. Tears just can’t stop flowing. He wondered why? It would only be a year…just a year, time passed by so fast without you even realize it. A year is just a short period of time, a short period of partition…but why did she took it so hard? Why he wondered?

The answer that only she knew was that…by the time he would be back, she would no longer be here waiting for him…she would be in UK.

A friend said to her…

Contacting was just impossible, it is a SHIP for GOD SAKE…there’s no connection, no phone line, no internet, nothing…there’s nothing.

Another friend told her

but, surely the ship would dock up somewhere? Then they can start contacting each…

OK…if it was you, who would you call? For sure your family first kan?

See! I told u!

Yeahhhh… with that she just nodded, just that… and continue listening her friends debating

Up till now, she still hadn’t told him about her going away. A year of separation, without words or news, then has to be separated again for 3 years… will this relationship survive?

They both had dreams of their own… a dream that needed sacrifice… fate…please help them…


iylia said...


El-Azwar said...

i know both the 'he' and 'she'...
he3.. pity them,...
add smthg,
both secret now revealed..told u.

Sharil said...

wahhh dont worry wait for the sequel
PART 2!!

sankun said...

will this 'he' and 'she' relationship survive?

Sharil said...

that's for them to answer...