Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Letter for My Bloody Valentine

There’s a letter meant for me. Someone wrote it. It is NOT an ordinary letter, it is a letter from a friend to another friend expressing how she felt about him—that’s me. Truthfully written from an innocent heart composed with some of the honest words ever expressed, the words are carefully arranged, and the meaning of each and every words are deep, deep as her ‘love’ for him. The words are wisely chosen, yet simple and straight forward—I ‘like’ it! In other word…

It is a ‘LOVE LETTER’,

However, neither she herself nor the postman will send it to me. Though it was meant for me, but it was not addressed to me. Let just say, I won’t be receiving the letter, neither will I be able to read it.

WHAT A WASTE!? A letter which contains some of the most precious and stupendously written literature will not be read by her so-called ‘lover’? However, it has not gone to waste. I know it, I know all about it. I may not know every single detail about it, but I know what it is about and what she would want me to now. OH! How I ‘love’ her because of that, because of that (fucking) BLOODY LOVE LETTER.

I wish she has the guts to send me the letter. I’ve been waiting for it, even knowing that I will never ever get to lay an eye on it, I still hope for someday I am able to read it. I just want her to know that I ‘love’ her as much as she ‘loves’ me. All because of that BLOODY LOVE LETTER.


hi_dyh said...

sometimes reality bites..
n when it does..
we nid 2 move on..

Sharil said...

n if we fail to move on?
it will keep haunting us
though we move on...will it ends?

iylia said...

take it as memories...
memories never leaves...
memories stayed when everything moves and walk away...

hi_dyh said...

yup ck pisang is rite..
cherish it as one of your memories
part of yr experienced to grow up

iylia said...

cik rainbow...
i'm cik pisangkaki kay...
jgn lupe kaki tuh...
coz pisangkaki is ten times better than pisang...

Miss SITI. said...

if we fail once,it doesn't mean we are failures...

although it still keep haunting us,
don't ever2 avoid it....
just face it...
it will make u stronger...

Sharil said...

yoshh thanks 4 the advice...g pon aku xkesah ngnt pon
dah terluka with scar lagik