Truth be told

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For me, nothing too excess, nothing not enough.Can easily get obsessed toward something but not addicting to anything neither too outgoing or too shy,at times I can be both, depending on my mood, depending on the occasion, moderately introverted I think. I never overdo anything in life. I enjoy my life to the fullest. I also enjoy most of the thing i do. I don't expect much from myself yet am never too disappointed with myself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I can’t contemplate on what it feels like to be alone; I just know I don’t like it.

Truth be told, I don’t like being all alone. I am always with my friends—well at least a friend. There’s something about being alone that has always make me feel insecure about myself. Despite the attention that I get from the people around me, I still am all alone. I know that it was not the fault of anyone, it even has nothing to do with those who I called friends. IT’S SIMPLY MY FAULT.

At times I can be a little bit demanding. A little bit annoying to them. A little bit rude to them. I blame friendship for that. Friendship kept someone close to the other, but it is hard when you are too close to them. Too close to them up to the point that you demand them to understand you where as you yourself don’t understand yourself. I hate friendship for keeping me closed t someone (in particular), I hate friendship for it will hurt me, and I hate friendship for I need it.

Today I learned something that I have already knew, despite knowing it will (still) hurt me, yet why do I keep being in denial?.. Course that’s me…always denying and avoiding problems.

Though you are always with them, always together, inseparable in the eyes of others. That doesn’t mean you are closed to them. And I thought I was a closed friend. Silly isn’t it? How would you feel if it were you? Am I a friend? Sorry for being demanding… Just what am I?

Forgive me for being stupid to believe in the proverb ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. Friends share problem—not all of them...but they DID. Friends don’t hurt others; even if they did they seek for forgiveness. A friend is more than just ‘a friend’ …there’s more to it…more to it…


hi_dyh said...

even if u lose one monkey, u still have another 4..
when it comes to 'friendship' u hve the rite to be demanding.
because in friendship,
we sacrifice, we tolerate, we gave and we take,
that y people said, friendship is pure

iylia said...

remember sayang...
our friendship is the only ship in the world that would never sink...
i'll make sure of that...
these 4 monkeys would always b ur monkeys babes...kan rainbow kan??
p/s: ko pon monkey kitorng kay..hmmm
chipmunk pon ok gak...

Miss SITI. said...

monkeys will never leave their friends behind...

agree 200% ngan rainbow n pisangkaki...

n remember...
"Good friends come and good friends go, but only the best friends stick around forever."

hi_dyh said...

aku nak dia jadi 'beruk' tak pun 'org utan' bley?? hehehehe..
sometimes we can be demanding rite...? huhuhu... ;p

iylia said...

aku pon nak gak..

Sharil said...

aku la plg hensem dalam hutan kolo mcm tuh

iylia said...

ko ngaku a nih ko dok kat utan...ha3..

Sharil said...
